
02 June 2010

Heralders of Spring

Written April 2010

This morning I took a few moments on my deck to take in the glories of spring.  Spring and summer are my favorite seasons.  I love to wake early, before the others in my household, and wander on my dew laden lawn, take in the sights and sounds, checking for signs of new growth breath in deeply the fresh air.  Ahhh.  There is nothing like it.  A glorious spring morning like today's makes one glad to be alive.  I think it is the whole idea of renewal that I like.  What was once buried in the winter wonderland comes to life again.  A little green bud here, blades of grass resurrecting once more, the sound of songbirds gracing the air. 

Yesterday I was happy to see one of my favorite heralders of spring, the buds of soon to open forsythia flowers.  It is one of the first plants to bloom, following crocus and spring snow drops.  A flush of bright yellow blossoms adorns this lovely shrub late April to early May.  The variety I grow is Northern Gold which is hardy to Zone 3.  Its flower buds are hardy to -34 C!  Introduced by Agriculture Canada, it grows to 2 m by 1.5 m. 

Remember, if you must prune spring flowering shrubs do so after they finish blooming.

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