
05 June 2010

Moments Unspoiled in the Garden

This morning I did one of my favorite things.  I putzed around.  Meaning, I was up before everyone else, including my nosy neighbour (you have one too? Imagine that!).  I took advantage of the time to check on all the plants, to note the Snow in Summer is beginning to bloom along with the mountain ash.  The iris is about to bloom and the clematis has grown like a foot overnight!  I decided there's no time like the present to dig out the fertilizers and feed my garden.  So I did just that.  Pots fed with 20-20-20, clematis (clematis food), rose (slow release rose food), and a 20-20-20 on other flowering shrubs.  Tip:  don't feed clematis once it has begun flowering or the plant will bloom its heart out all at once.  You want it to bloom for an extended period, right? 

Alas, as I was watering my cedars, Miss Nosy came outside to see what I was up to.  Rats, almost escaped it!

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