
07 October 2010

Fertilizer Friday - My Mom's Roses and Garden

 I've posted dozens of photos of my Morden Blush Rose so I thought I'd share
 some photos my mom took recently of some of her roses.
Winnipeg Parks Rose
and a few photos of what's going on in her garden now.

Squash in the garden September 26, 2010

Sunflowers bowed over with the weight of heavy heads

Harvest time - potatoes set out to dry before storing

Tree in the front of my mom's yard

To see more gardens participating in Fertilizer Friday visit here:


  1. Your Mum has some lovely roses! There's a lot going on in her garden ... the squash looks terrific ... the sunflowers look as if they're taking a bow and just waiting for the applause!!!

  2. This is the first time I've seen your blog... very nice! You asked about our zone... was 4-5 but has been a strong five the last few years... thanks for visiting, L

  3. Looks great there and a good harvest too!

  4. Love the sunflowers! Busy time in the garden!

  5. The potato harvest was bountiful! Lovely pictures of the garden, love the roses.


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