
27 November 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

I quite like the shadowy effect within the linear spaces of the fencing.   Notice how it is quite fine but as you look beyond those shadows to that of the tree, the shadow is broader and not so fine.  You do not see every detail of every leaf and branch.

Thanks to Hey Harriet at for hosting this meme of Shadow Shot Sunday.  To see more or to join and post your own shadowy selections, visit the link.


  1. Terrific shadowy shot! Love the difference in the shadows as you look beyond one to the other! Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


  2. The fence is a lovely surface to enjoy the shadows on. I like the soft abstract look.

  3. Hello Shirley !
    I saw the "bigger" picture first .. then I had to backtrack to see the finer details of the fence .. those are great contrasting shadows : )

  4. You're so right, Shirley! Definite difference in the two kinds of shadows. It's a beautiful shot.
    -- K

    Kay, southeastern Alberta
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. what an interesting and unusual shadowy find! It sort of looks as though two different photos have been joined togther! I really like this one! Have a great week ahead :)

  6. The wavy fence sets the shadows off very nicely.

  7. Nice shot. Love the way that the shadows appear almost slightly out of focus, but clear enough to know what they are an image of. Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Hi Shirley! I like shadows and I like to take pictures of them. Maybe, I should participate in this meme.
    Thanks for your nice comment on my gazebo post. That gazebo was flattered to learn that someone said it looked like wrought iron. Actually, it's made from a lighter metal (aluminium?). But it certainly looks like w.iron!
    Stay warm!

  9. What a lovely effect! Great shadows for the day!
    have a wonderful week!

  10. I love how there seems to be two different shadow storeis going on in this one picture...lovely!


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