
16 November 2010

With Chagrin, I See the Snow and the Forecast.....

As I sit at the computer this morning I cringe knowing we have experienced possibly the last of our mild autumn weather.  Winter seems to be encroaching upon us.  Calgary has already had snow overnight and the highway south of Edmonton (QEII) headed to Calgary is treacherous with ice.  Southern Alberta will receive about 15 cm of snow today with more in the forecast. 

I do a mental check of projects I had in mind to prepare just for this.  Yes, the pumps from the pond and fountain have been removed but I need to bring them in now that they are dry.  I've mulched my magnolia and hydrangea, raked the lawn, removed the cushions from the lawn furniture but have yet to bring in the new Adirondack chairs as they are not yet painted or varnished.  I have to do that today!!  I still have not put up the burlap barriers for the cedars and the Alberta spruce.  (I wonder if that'll get done this year...)

Oh...well... the snow has begun falling, my son advises me (pout).  I am never quite ready for this.  The consummate cold, ice and snow, the bitter winds.  But I know the garden needs a rest just as we, the caretakers, do.  So I just have to go with the flow. (Do I have a choice, no)

Wouldn't it be nice to be cozy inside with good books and a fire while winter ensues to clothe the world in white rather than having to brave the elements to accomplish our tasks like making a living? Unless you're retired or married to someone of means or independently wealthy or work from home, life isn't often like that.  So we bundle up and trudge outdoors and have a greater appreciation for those lovely days of spring, summer and autumn because we've experienced the other less cheery weather days.

There are wonderful things that come with winter like snowmen, skiing, the glow of Christmas lights on a cold winter night, the sparkle of fresh snow when the sun or street lamps cast a glow upon it, the large soft flakes of snow as they cascade from the heavens. (Yes, I am psyching myself up for what seems like six months + of winter). I was in Costco yesterday enjoying all the Christmas decor.  (beautiful, original nutcrackers - I am a huge nutcracker aficionado)  Yes, Shirley, there is beauty in all seasons.  Does anyone else feel like I do?  Am I alone, here?


  1. You have a great blog, both gardens and photos
    I read with great pleasure.
    You are very sensitive,prove all your posts.Excuse my language,I am Romanian.

  2. Hi Shirley,
    The snow arrived here in Calgary yesterday - a lot of snow, and it's still snowing. I try to tell myself that it is great for the plants, adding moisture and protection, but I also can't help thinking that it's going to last for months, and I hate driving in the snow. But winter is starting more than a month later than last year, so it will only be five months long:)!
    Stay warm!

  3. Yes there is beauty in all seasons, it is just hard to see it sometimes.. and I think we have winter in guys have us beat....mulch the hydrangeas....I haven't done that or cut them back yet...


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