
19 March 2011

The world will welcome a Supermoon on Saturday, after 18 years - 680News

The world will welcome a Supermoon on Saturday, after 18 years - 680News
The moon will loom just a little larger and brighter tonight resulting in what people are calling a "super moon". The last time the moon appeared in this magnitude was 1993. Tonight the moon will appear to be 30% brighter and 14% larger than normal as it orbits 50,000 km from the earth. Some are concerned this "super moon" may be responsible for odd weather phenomenans but scientists say that is unlikely. The tides will be higher all over the world tonight but that is probably the extent of the physical effects we will witness. Check out the link above for more information.

1 comment:

  1. I was so looking forward...maybe the clouds will clear a little..


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