
26 May 2011

These Are the Flowers in My Neighborhood, In My Neighborhood......

This is so reminiscent of Mr. Rogers.  Remember his song, "these are the people in my neighbourhood, in my neighbourhood, in my neighborhood....these are the people in my neighbourhood...the people that you meet each day."  Yes, I watched Mr. Rogers with my kids when they were little and this little ditty comes to my recollection at odd times, like this Fertilizer Friday/Flaunt Your Flowers.

As my daughter and I were walking the dogs this afternoon, I just had to capture the beauty of some of the flowering trees in my neighbourhood (my son bought me a new camera so I had to use it, right?). So here you go, you can meet some of the flowers/flowering trees in my neighbourhood....

Flowering crabapples are abundant in this neighbourhood as you see here and below.

A lovely fragrant white lilac takes center stage in my neighbour's yard.

This is a blue bell type of clematis, though I don't know the exact species.  I like this one because it is an "A" category clematis, meaning it blooms on new and old wood which means no pruning!

On the left is a Crimson King Maple and in the neighbour's yard is an apple tree in full bloom.

Another flowering crabapple.

I couldn't resist a close-up of the gorgeous blossoms on the flowering crabapple tree.  This new camera has a magnificent zoom on it!

Until next time, that's it for now folks.  Hope you enjoyed the neighbourhood walk and the introductions.  My garden is in pretty much the same state as last week except the forsythia is finished blooming.  Thus, the adventure outside the garden.  Hope you enjoyed it!

Flaunting Flowers with all the lovely gardeners over at:
Tootsie Time


  1. Thank you for capturing these beauties to share. I especially love the blue clematis that needs no pruning. Following via Facebook and Blogger. :)

  2. Love seeing all these trees in bloom in your neighborhood...I too enjoyed the gentleness of Mr. Rogers..

  3. Så spännande det är för mig att se bilder från ditt närområde. Den skira blommningen denna tid på året är fantastiskt. Hos mig blommar nu syrener och hägg. Önskar dig en skön helg! Zinnia

  4. As much as I truly like flowers, flowering trees just take my breath away.

  5. Wonderful blooms and photos... I have that clematis as well and it is very old and blooms in the shade for me... can't recall the cultivar either but perhaps one of the alpinas? L

  6. you are way ahead of me here in Red Deer...funny because you are only an hour or so north of
    thanks for linking in this week...things are very pretty in your gardens..
    it is raining and raining and Im just wanting to be

  7. What wonderful vistas, especially after a long hard winter. I have a similar clematis in my yard (also in Edmonton) which is 20+ years old. It's a Clematis macropetala, with semi-double slightly fuzzy lilac-blue flowers, and blooms just in time for grad photos :-) Then there are large fuzzy seed heads on display for the rest of the year.

  8. Hi Shirley - thank you for visiting my blog and then for tempting me to return the call and see your lovely photographs of gardens in Canada. You seem to be about six weeks behind the gardens here, which in itself is interesting. Our blossom trees are long over and here is all buttercups in the fields and the first of the roses in the gardens. Do call again. I shall put you on my side bar blog list.

  9. Such a beautiful neighborhood you live in. Mr. Rogers would be proud. The clematis is amazing, I've never seen one like it. Don't you just wish the flowers on the trees could linger just a little longer? But then maybe we'd take the sight for granted. Lovely!

  10. The crabapple blossoms are so pretty. I want one! I have a sickly cherry tree that needs replacing, so I might use a crabapple. Love the unusual Clematis too.

  11. Oh thank you for leading me here. I enjoyed the neighborhood tour. I love trees, you know that. :) have a lovely weekend dear Shirley.

  12. THose are wonderful flowers and photo's Thank you for sharing

  13. Well that's quite a neighborhood you have there. Lucky you gets to enjoy all those beautiful blooms

  14. Those flowering trees are just gorgeous! You seem to have the same blooms as I'm seeing right now here in southern Ontario. This has to be my favorite time of year!

  15. So pretty! Ours are done for the year, so I'm loving seeing you 'northerner's' blooms:).

  16. It's great to see spring in all its beauty!

    Congrats on the new camera. :)

  17. Shirley - you must love walking through your neighbourhood at this time of year. the flowering crabs are so beautiful and remind me of the tree lined streets I walked along to my high school in Victoria. Enjoy your summer gardening!


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