
03 August 2011

The Lure of Evening Scented Stock

I am sitting here on the computer and I know it's time to get off and relax with a book.  But there's a sweet scent on the air, wafting through the open window.  Beckoning me near.....

The evening scented stock (mathiola) is blooming!


  1. I can't remember the type of stock mom grew, but I could just sit there smelling it forever.

  2. So much scent from such a little plant. We have Honeysuckle flowering at the moment, that too has a fab scent.

  3. I have never been privileged to grow this plant, but I can imagine what the fragrance is like. Lovely!

  4. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, you have me wishing for the very same drifting through my window. All I smell is the A/C running full blast. Dreaming...oh, to be able to have a window open right now. I'd give my two ovaries [if I still had 'em] for an open window.

    Happy Friday to you.


  5. The flowers are so delicate - It's wonderful to breathe the summer scented air!

  6. I am sorry I haven't been here... I always learn something and I have read every post.....hugs..Michelle

  7. They are lovely little flowers. I didn't sow any this year, but you've just reminded me that I'm missing out on that wonderful evening scent.


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