
12 September 2012

Fall Waits for No Man or Woman

In the neighbourhood today I spotted more tell-tale signs that autumn is imminent.  There is nothing I can do to delay its onset.  And if I ever led you to believe that that is fine and I just take the seasons as they come, then you were misled!!!  Winter can be beautiful, but I don't enjoy it.  I hate the ice and the cold and now I am just being whiny!!  But as gorgeous as fall can appear, it is the harbinger of winter, which is like a swear word to my ears, thus it falls into the less liked category.

So, try as I might, I looked for some beauty amidst the drab cold days we have had lately and here is what I found.  

 The Fairmont Hotel MacDonald snuggled amongst the high rises of downtown as seen from across the river valley.  The hotel has lovely gardens which I must make an effort to visit during growing season sometime soon!
 Cavalia is coming to town.  Actually, it started September 11th and runs until the 30th.  
Think of it as Circ de Soleil with horses!

 A drive along Groat Road reveals yellowing foliage.  Ash, perhaps?

 Little Lamb Hydrangea is blushing pink in the cool weather.

 The berries of the sea buckthorn are a brilliant red!  
I bet these would look good in a winter arrangement!

Tamarisk - you know it's coming on autumn when the tamarisk is in full bloom.  Isn't she stunning!

Did it cheer me?  Yes, definitely, but then I look outside at the grey with clouds sky and think about how cool the house is and I regress.  It is just too early to have to turn on the furnace!!!  Everyone will just have to bundle up!  There's a fireplace on the main floor, not downstairs like the old house, so until I can take it no more, get out the blankets and your wool socks if you intend to join us for a movie night in the basement because it is downright chilly down there!!!

I like to look at the bright side of things (I don't always complain so much, really) and I know now that the leaves of the trees in Fort McMurray are in an advanced stage of yellow and defoliation!  How's that for a little gloating and pick me up?  Sorry Fort McMurrians.  I needed a little hurrah today!

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