
29 November 2012

The Bookstore Strikes Back - The Atlantic

In this article (see link below) author Ann Patchet, of State of Wonder and Bel Canto to name only a couple, talks to the Atlantic about opening an independent bookstore in Nashville.  Ann has determined that the independent bookstore is on the way back into vogue.  The circle has come full around and it's time for the independents to rise again.  

'Amazon doesn’t get to make all the decisions; the people can make them, by choosing how and where they spend their money. If what a bookstore offers matters to you, then shop at a bookstore. If you feel that the experience of reading a book is valuable, then read a book. This is how we change the world: We grab hold of it. We change ourselves."

The Bookstore Strikes Back - The Atlantic

28 November 2012

To See a World

Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada

To see a World in a Grain of Sand 
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, 
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand 
And Eternity in an hour. 
The English poet was born on this day, November 29,  in 1757.

27 November 2012

Snowfall Warning Again!!

Taken earlier this fall, I can still repost photos, just not new ones.  :(
Apparently I have used up my allotted space for photos this year but that doesn't mean I have nothing left to say!  Tonight as I was watching a flash mob sing Christmas songs on a Facebook posting, I also noticed that we, Edmonton area, have a snowfall warning with an abnormal temperature trend to tonight and tomorrow.  What's an abnormal temperature trend, you may wonder?  It's when the temperature gets colder during the daytime.  Tomorrow during the day we are expected to drop to -16 Celsius following an overnight low of -12 Celsius.  Add to this cold, we are also expecting snow, and a fair amount.  The following is the official warning:


City of Edmonton - St. Albert - Sherwood Park
3:32 PM MST Tuesday 27 November 2012
Snowfall warning for 
City of Edmonton - St. Albert - Sherwood Park issued

Heavy snowfall to start early Wednesday with 15 to 25 cm of snowfall expected by Thursday.

A deep Arctic ridge is building down from the Yukon and Northwest Territories bringing below normal temperatures to most of Alberta. Strong winds combined with the cold temperatures will produce extreme wind chill values near -40 in the High Level region by Wednesday morning. At these extreme wind chill values frostbite on exposed skin may occur in less than 10 minutes.

Overnight an intense upper disturbance from the Pacific will cross the Rockies generating a band of heavy snow that will extend from the Grand Cache and Grande Prairie region through Whitecourt into the Capital region including the city of Edmonton by Wednesday afternoon. The heavy snowfall is expected to taper off by Thursday with snowfall amounts in the 15 to 25 cm range. However snowfall is likely to continue into the weekend for Central Alberta. 

Hot chocolate, a warm throw and a good book are looking really good right now!  Stay warm and stay safe!  Looks like snow is in the forecast for the remainder of the week.  (struggling to put on a happy face here....)   On a happy note, I have some very good books lined up to fill the time!

24 November 2012

Enter now to win $150 gift card at the Enjoy Centre in St. Albert

Follow the link below to view Holes Christmas catalogue and find the instructions on the back page to enter:

Contest ends November 29/12.

22 November 2012

Happy American Thanksgiving

"The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception
 to such an extent that it changes the world you see."
—  Dr. Robert Holden

21 November 2012

Holes Ornaments for Christmas Part I

 Continuing our Christmas explorations of the Enjoy Centre and Holes Greenhouse in St. Albert, I discovered some beautiful ornaments and Christmas items for everyone on your list.

I was interested in these Flatyz Candles.  They are indeed flat and, when inserted into a specialty candle holder, can be lit but who would want to light these works of art?

Coming soon, more from Enjoy Centre and Holes for Christmas 2012.

19 November 2012

An "Enjoy" Christmas Colour Trends 2012

It's good to see this gnome is still hanging in there!

2012 Christmas Decorating Trend alert:  colour scheme is lime green and red 

16 November 2012

Leonid Meteor Shower Tonight November 16, 2012

Feel like a shower...meteor shower that is?  Tonight is the night.  If you go out between midnight and dawn in a wide open area that provides a clear view of the dark sky, find the eastern horizon.  Then look up to find a hook-shaped pattern of stars which is the Sickle of Leo, the Lion (the curve is the lion's head).  While the meteors can be spotted practically anywhere in the sky, if you trace the flight line backward across the sky, the line will cross the Sickle.  

15 November 2012

Poinsettia Pointers

One of the most popular plants for Christmas, can be a difficult one to get right.  

Poinsettia Pointers

  1. Select a plant with full thick growth with a good root system (roots fill the pot).
  2. Give the poinsettia a spot with a lot of sunlight (they are native to Mexico!).
  3. Keep the soil moist but not wet.
  4. Too little light causes the poinsettia to drop green leaves.
  5. Soil that is too dry causes the leaves of the poinsettia to curl
  6. Soil that is too wet causes yellow leaves.
  7. Stick your finger in the soil, up to the first knuckle, and water when it feels dryer than a moist dishrag. (tip from Jim Hole)
  8. Never let your poinsettia sit in water.  Remove the fancy pot cover when watering to be sure the water runs out and doesn't sit around the roots.  When it has finished leaking out the bottom of the pot, you may place the pot back in the cover.

13 November 2012

54 Year Old Dream

If you are into following the rodeo circuit, you've probably heard of Lee Ann Rust.  Lee Ann is 54 years old, a barrel racer, and last year won the WPRA Rookie of the Year Trophy.  She is incredibly inspiring!

I first saw her on an interview on our local Breakfast Television program with Ryan Jesperson.  He told her of all the interviewees, and he mentioned entrepreneurs who are mothers, and woman of the year nominees; she was the most inspiring to him.

The discussion went on to her barrel racing career and how she fed her dreams.  At the age of 54, Lee Ann Rust qualified for the Canadian Finals Rodeo, a goal of hers.  She did compete here in Edmonton this past week and my son and his girlfriend attended and got this autographed photo for me!  Thank you Matti and Ty!!

Lee Ann says of dreams,"We don't kill our dreams, our dreams die of starvation because we quit feeding them."  She advises us to keep feeding the dream, don't let it die.  She kept her dream alive in one form or another by always being associated with horses. 

She says we need to picture a "big hairy audacious goal"on top of a mountain.  Don't look down at the ruts but keep your eyes focused on the top of that mountain.  "Where you're at today is a result of what you were thinking yesterday."

Her winning strategy, that keeps her on track and winning against people 30 years younger than herself, is mental.  "You are what you think you are.  You become what you think."

The thoughts of a winner.

You can watch the video here.

12 November 2012

11 November 2012

In Flanders Fields

My greatest heartfelt gratitude and respect go out to them, for the battles of the past, the wars of the present and the future conflicts. Lest we forget.

In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.