
31 July 2013

Favourite Feature is the Vegetable Garden - Strathcona County Garden Tour

Now back in Sherwood Park, we had two destinations left to visit, both of them urban lots. This particular garden featured some art by one of the owner's friends (see the yellow dancers and canvas on the fence). What I enjoyed the most, besides the wonderful shade trees and a hammock that looked incredibly inviting...oh and a hot tub (this garden's water feature?), was the garden of raised vegetable beds.  Through a rose covered arbor, one enters upon the vegetable garden, walking paths between the beds are lined with landscape fabric to reduce the need for weeding and keeping feet mud free.

Through a rose covered arbor, one enters upon the vegetable garden where walking paths between the beds are lined with landscape fabric to reduce the need for weeding while keeping feet mud free.

This gardener also composts.

So inviting after touring so many gardens in a day...

 Anyone want to join the yellow dancing ladies with parasols?

There's one more garden to go.....

29 July 2013

Prepare to Be Wowed!! Aqualine - another stop on the Strathcona County Garden Tour

If you love water gardens like I do, then this tour will be like chocolate for a sweets lover.  (I am both, just ask my husband!)  A few years ago my son put in a pond with a small waterfall and we loved it!  We spent a lot of time in the back yard, sitting around the fire pit which is conveniently located close to the pond.  We had fish at one time but overwintering them indoors became a bit of a chore.  We also had water lilies...again overwintering required taking a lot of room in the fridge because a pond has to be at least 3 feet deep here for a water lily and/or fish to survive our winters.  We had lovely little reeds, a unicorn rush, water irises, and a few others.  We tried water lettuce but it doesn't get enough shade so it scorches sadly.  The pond was our favourite feature and likely a huge selling feature when we sold the house last summer.  (I miss it so much but with all the kids moving out it didn't make sense to keep such a big house.)

This visit to Aqualine near Sherwood Park, Alberta was like a Caramilk bar for me....a large one!  I got a good water fix!!  I hope you enjoy it too.  There are fountains, water lilies, ponds, and waterfalls galore here!  My son Matt would find it difficult to leave, had he been able to join us.

Do you remember this guy?

Thank you for joining me and getting a little wet.

Weekend Reflections
My World Tuesday
Sky Watch Friday