
06 October 2013

"Life Starts All Over When it Gets Crisp in the Fall" F. Scott Fitzgerald

The day's outing began with a trip to the farmer's market in St. Albert.  As we enjoyed the performance of Martin Kerr, an outstanding musician who competed on Canadian Idol, we noticed a young girl playing in the leaves.  She was highly entertaining and we, of course, had to photograph this mound of leaves with which she buried herself.

Maples are arguably the best trees for fall colour.  The few which line the street behind participant's tents shouted for attention and appreciation, dressed in their fall finery.

On our way back from market to our parking place we crossed Red Willow Park wherein this fantastic pedestrian bridge stretches across a body of water.

Above and below, a train bridge reflects in the water over which it passes.  It's a perfect day to spend outdoors photographing the sites.  Some trees, like the ashes, are almost completely defoliated while others are just beginning to turn colour.

In a rose garden, which serves as a memoriam for previous residents and gardeners of the area, is a stunning iron gazebo.  I love gazebos and all things of wrought iron, thus this beauty became the focus of several photographs.

The rose hips are enormous, ripe for harvest.

This is apparently a favourite tree for two young children to play in and "cast spells" (according to the young girl).  She is the self-proclaimed protector of this particular tree.

Along the walk on a hill beyond the rose garden is this railing with a built-in bench so one might sit and appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

As we ascended the hill towards the street and Kim's parked vehicle, the dazzling red berries of a mountain ash begged to be appreciated.

Our day's wanderings conjured up a thirst which we fed at a local cafe decorated in parisian photos and accents of fall. The following quote, which I used in the title for this post, was on the chalkboard menu and it suited the day to a "T."

I am joining Weekend Reflections, Shadow Shot Sunday
 and Sunday Bridges today.


  1. beautiful pictures, interesting tree formations

  2. Yes, the trees just beg to be explored!

  3. You've got some fine fall images here, Shirley!
    «Louis» linked you to Sunday Bridges.

  4. Beautiful autumn scenery...nicely done...

  5. That's a great gazebo. Our last mayor was famous locally for his love of wrought iron. Despite this, I like it too. You have effectively captured a crisp fall day.

  6. lovely photos and the reflection ones are gorgeous ... love the red maple leaves too

  7. The reflections of the train bridge look like part of the bridge! Beautiful post about Fall!

  8. Perfect fall day...I hope the girl only casts good spells... Michelle

  9. When I watched your images I suddenly got the feeling that in a grey day nature looks tired, it's this time of the year. Like us. It's getting difficult to get up in the morning! :)


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