
23 November 2013

Pearl Tower - Weekend Reflections

Long ago (it seems long ago now in the month of November with over a foot of snow on the ground), in the month of September,  my friend Kim and I headed out for the annual Fall Art Gallery Walk which, this year for the first time ever, included a carriage ride drawn by two Norwegian Fjords, gorgeous animals!

One of the gentlemen led an ongoing commentary about the area.  We drove past the oldest/first high-rise this city had built and the newest which is under construction and will be the tallest.  Because we had, until very recently, an operational airport at the city core, high-rises over a certain height were prohibited.  With the restrictions lifted, we may see the development of more skyscrapers.  Here are a few photos taken during the carriage ride.

Above, the Norwegian Fjords

Above, the oldest and first high-rise 

Above, the new tower, the Pearl, currently under construction.

Won't you join all of us at Weekend Reflections.


  1. I enjoyed the horse and carriage photos especially. But I got stuck on the 'foot of snow.' Are you kidding? We have just a dusting and I'm already complaining about winter! I don't even mind the cold of winter (because we have adequate heating), but it's the snow I dislike (intensely).

  2. Sweet ride ! I would love to try a tour on this carriage.


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