
30 May 2014

James Patterson: Amazon, 'a National Tragedy'

I'm sure everyone's heard all the kerfluffel over Amazon and Hatchette Publishing?  Well, now James Patterson has something to say about it too.  If by chance you haven't heard what it's all about, check out this article in the Atlantic:

Here's what James Patterson has to say about it all:

James Patterson: Amazon, 'a National Tragedy'

25 May 2014

Wisps of White Vapours

Even in fog and rain, the mountains are beautiful.

Wisps of white vapours
Drift over mountain peaks high
Hang still in the sky

(poem by Shirley Martin May 2014 - all rights reserved)

24 May 2014


Also known as windflower and prairie crocus, the pasqueflower's scientific name is Pulsatilla and is in the Ranunculaceae family.  It is a highly toxic plant, producing oxytoxins and cardiogenic toxins which slow the human heart. Beautiful to look at but don't ingest.

Japanese Garden, Polson Park

In this beautiful park in Vernon, British Columbia; a small but immaculate Japanese Garden is a soothing spot to visit.  Here mature willows, Harry Lauder's Walking Stick, manicured shrubs and topiaried junipers grow accented by a few flowering trees and shrubs, one of which is a forsythia which was in full bloom the beginning of May.  Had I not had others in my company, I would gladly have lingered here a lot longer.

Reflecting upon a wonderful weekend with Weekend Reflections

Tiptoe Through the Daffodils and Tulips

While in Vernon BC for my son's wedding reception, we took a day of leisure and enjoyed an afternoon in a gorgeous park.  No further words are necessary.  The beauty requires no explanation.  Enjoy.

 Vernon's spring is easily three weeks ahead of ours.  These photos were taken May 10.  Even the lilacs were beginning to bloom there while here in Edmonton leaves were barely beginning to break bud.  It was hard to leave this beauty behind.  

Coming up, the Japanese garden.

23 May 2014

The Beginnings of Progress

....the end of peace.  Not even five years ago, this was all farmland.  Wonder where the farmer went?

12 May 2014

The Look of Spring is in My Eyes

All photos here were taken by myself in the Vernon area of British Columbia 
the second weekend of May/14. 

forsythia in bloom


in the Japanese garden, Harry Lauder walking stick (front left), a flowering tree (variety unknown)
 in the centre of the scene surrounded by topiaried juniper and manicured cedar.

above, flowering almond with tulips and iris


tulips, pasqueflower, grape hyacinth

Irises, blue muscari, pasqueflower

above and below, magnolia in bed with tulips and irises

above and below, flowering almond

Japanese maple

Canada goose with three goslings


above and below, horse chestnut in bloom