
30 November 2014

The Snowman by Wallace Stevens

One must have a mind of winter
To regard the frost and the boughs
Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

And have been cold a long time
To behold the junipers shagged with ice,
The spruces rough in the distant glitter

Of the January sun; and not to think
Of any misery in the sound of the wind,
In the sound of a few leaves,

Which is the sound of the land
Full of the same wind
That is blowing in the same bare place

For the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing himself, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.

"The Snowman" by Wallace Stevens

29 November 2014

Decorating Outdoors With Winter Greens

Greenland Garden Centre offers many examples of ways in which you may enhance the exterior of your home using a variety of greenery, berries, ribbon, birch, magnolia leaves and more.  It's time for some inspiration....

The fragrance ... mmmm.... so divine!

An entire cool room displays branches of pine, cedar, and spruce with heavenly fragrance.  Additives include birch branches, berries, pine cones and more.  Your imagination is the limit.

I think it's time to set about designing one for our house now.  Do you design urns/planters for winter?

20 November 2014

Christmas at Greenland Garden Centre 2014

Come along with me to Greenland Garden Centre located in Sherwood Park Alberta for a tour of their amazing Christmas store.  Enjoy!!!

More to come.....

#Christmas  #decorating  #ChristmasTrees  #wreaths  #ornaments  #colourschemes

15 November 2014

It Was One Frigid Week Across the Continent!

Today is the beginning of a warmer trend in our city with highs near -5 Celsius expected later today.  Currently it is -14 C and the car windows are frosty but the sky is clear and the sunrise sheds hues of mauve and pink near the horizon.

Yesterday was another story.  I drove to work in ice fog, which is rather pretty but it was too dark to really enjoy it at 5 am.  The drive home was incredibly beautiful with hoar frost decorating the branches and needles of the trees that line the roadside.  Beautiful but cold.  Our city temperatures overnight set a record low for the coldest day on record at the International Airport with lows of -26 Celsius.  It warmed to -13 C but the wind picked up and it was pretty bitter to walk in.

This is what Global News had to say on the weather for the continent.  Looks like we are all cold! 

So I looked further and discovered the cause of the cold was a typhoon that began November 4, crossing the ocean and meeting air in the arctic which then swept over the continent with temperatures 15 degrees below normal.

I recall January being the coldest month of winter but that seems to have shifted over the years and now it seems November and December have become the coldest months.  Remember December 21st is the first day of winter?  Well, someone forgot to tell Old Man Winter because he has stopped in for a prolonged stay like the unwanted houseguest who just will not leave.

On the other hand, this is also the season of beauty.  Sure the leaves are gone, the air is crisp, and the roads downright treacherous; but the snow sparkles like small diamonds when light catches the small crystals.  The local greenhouses are decked out in Christmas and winter finery and there is nothing quite like visiting your favourite greenhouse this time of year.  The aroma of fresh pine fills the air and every so often the sweet fragrance that reminds you of Christmas baking lingers in the small vignettes displaying scented sachets and candles.  Mmmmm......

Here is a sample of the Christmas store set up at Greenland Greenhouse this year.  It is my go to destination where I escape the rush and stress of working in retail this time of year.  The area twinkles with hundreds of mini-lights and a reindeer greets you with songs of the season.  Come linger with me for a while, won't you?

More to come soon so if you love to visit greenhouses at Christmas, be sure to bookmark this blog!!