
17 November 2010

Quit Singing "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow"...

The pond is now frozen, at least 2 inches deep.  I know because I had to enlist my son's help on Friday to remove the pump which was encased in ice.  It wasn't running so that's good, but it took some doing to break through so we could extricate it.  Glad that's done because Wednesday it started snowing!

All day off and on and into the night.  This is the pond early Wednesday night.  Were it not for the difference in terrain, you wouldn't be able to tell where the surface of the pond is.  I'm not ready for this.  I strongly dislike (I use this phrase because "hate" is such a strong word) driving in it, or walking with the biting chill of the wind in my face (today -20 C with the wind chill).  So whoever is out there singing this "Let it Snow"  please stop.  You know who you are!


  1. Hi Shirley, your snow shot is pretty! Love those "dots", and sure is cold! .....Although the weather outside is not frightful.

    Keep warm!

  2. Goodness! I am getting chilly just looking at this.

  3. We have had only light wet snow and nothing to is pretty until it gets dirty....Lovely photo...


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