
18 November 2010

Skywatch Friday - Dawn Breaks on a Wintery Morning

The sun is just rising Sunday morning.  The weather is noticeably changing.  There is a nip in the air.  Yet the day was still pleasant.
The colours change as the sky lightens with the sun's rays.  That was then.

Then Tuesday morning, the s... word.  Yes, here it is again.  I wonder if it, the snow ("s" word), will stick around now.  The forecast for all of Alberta for this week has been rather bleak.  Southern Alberta had winter storm advisories, a main highway had zero visibility Tuesday morning due to blowing snow, and here, in Edmonton, negative double digits for highs!  Alas, winter has announced its arrival.

What is the weather like around the world?  Are you needing a bit of sunshine in an otherwise grey day?  You'll be sure to get a lift when you visit


  1. Great capture. Wish snow won't come this early here in MI, crossing my fingers!

    Fiery sky

  2. You already have snow!!!!!

    I have two friends who live in Edmonton. I wish to visit someday and see what a beautiful city it is.


  3. I really like that the photos are long and makes them so much more interesting looking.... Yes.. winter...sigh...

  4. Great shots, but I'll leave the 's' word to you all up north, I'm not good w/ it down here! heheheee

    Happy SWF

  5. Hi Shirley, oh, we haven't gotten any 'sticking' snow yet, but it's just a matter of time. I love your sky photos; November is known for the dark and brooding cloud formations. I hope you have a great weekend!

  6. No sign of snow down in Ontario - though there have been a few snow-laden looking clouds.

  7. Lovely sunrise and snow! Our weather is still warm enough to wear summer clothing outside in the afternoon.

  8. So it's TRUE! Winter HAS arrived in Alberta!

  9. I think we'll just have to give in and admit that winter is here! I've just woken up to yet more snow!

    Love the huge clouds and skies in your picture.

  10. Love the color of the sky when the sun is about to rise :)

    THanks for the visit.

  11. Brrrr! It looks cold where you are! Thanks for visiting my warm skies here in California!

  12. Thank you everyone for your visit and kind comments! It is cold here and we have about 4 inches or so of snow now which looks like it is here to stay!


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