
16 August 2013

Enjoying a Golden Sunset

If you love sky watching visit Sky Watch Friday for more incredible skies.


  1. A beautiful, huge sky! You must have used a wide angle lens, very nice!!

  2. The clouds are spread like stretched cotton wool across the skies - great capture.

  3. wonderful sky. and also enjoyed your colorful photos of the arts festival!

  4. Wow, gorgeous skies. Looks like a pretty day! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone! No wide angled lens here. This was taken with my iPhone, believe it or not!

  6. Oh gosh, it's a cascade of gold! Just gorgeous.

  7. fantastic sky fotos! the clouds are looking like flakes.

  8. Wow--gorgeous skies!!! Very seldom are we disappointed if we just "look up". Mickie :)

  9. The sun looks like it`s spilling out clouds,beautiful!phyllis

  10. It looks very huge. Nice photos.
    You ask me how to photograph stars. I have my Nikon D800 and Nikkor AF-S 24-70/2.8G ED and tripod. I had manually settings om my camera (M) I used high ISO, 3200 and aperture f/4 or 4,5 and expoture time ca 20s. In addition to this I had an remote switch and a stable tripod. If u can use Mirror up om your camera use it. You avoid vibrations when the mirror flips up that can get blurry images.


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