
16 August 2013

Ruined or Not?

When I enlarged this photo of a canola field taken the day of the Strathcona County Garden Tour, I was dismayed to see the reflection of the program in the window.  Today, however, I discovered it again and realized it's time for Weekend Reflections so it works perfectly.  What I had at first thought was a ruined photo is now a contribution to the weekly meme James hosts at Weekend Reflections.


  1. hee hee...

    «Louis» thanks you for your visit to San Francisco Bay Daily Photo

  2. That's a nice one : good catch !

  3. You could have called it a programme reflected!

  4. it works perfectly for the meme. :)

  5. You never know when a reflection will come in handy ;-)

  6. Beautiful field -- and isn't that the fun part of digital photography. I love discovering things when I download (especially if they're perfect for one of the memes I join, like this photo is!)

    We see a few of those beautiful canola fields around Oregon, which is where we are spending the summer (near Eugene).

  7. Lovely photo, you can claim the reflection as being artsy ;)

  8. Thank you everyone! I enjoyed your comments here and perhaps I will just call it "artsy." :)

  9. Haha, i love canola fields with still green carpet on other sides, and this type of reflection seems like a ghost passed by. I love this amusing reflection. And thanks for visiting my blogpost.

  10. The photo is beautiful & worked out perfectly!phyllis

  11. I love the colour of the canola field.


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