
27 October 2013

Reflections Upon Autumn, Horse-drawn Carriages, River Valley and Sunday Bridges

 Last weekend was the Fall Art Gallery Walk here in town.  We began our gallery tour with a horse-drawn carriage ride which travelled the area wherein the galleries are located.  We just so happened to be in the right place at the right time and were the first to board the carriage.  Loving it!!

The team and carriage with passengers are reflected 
in a shop window, above, as we stop in traffic.

Two different varieties of Mountain Ash. 
 Their differences are obvious in the fall.

Our loop through the downtown area took us to this road overlooking the river valley (North Saskatchewan River) where we could get a good glimpse of the autumnal changes and a bridge spanning the river.

Our carriage was drawn by these two handsome Norwegian Fjords.  Neither the traffic nor the adoring fans seemed to bother these two.

For more reflections and bridges, pop over to Weekend Reflections and Sunday Bridges.  

Coming soon, photos taken during the gallery tour.  I hope you'll pop back here for a visit to see the spectacular art in our local galleries.


  1. «Louis» is enjoying your photos of autumn and he appreciates you linking to Sunday Bridges!.

  2. Looks like the best way to enjoy the fall....

  3. You have make beautiful photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  4. horse-drawn carriage ride, how nice. I love the photos from the carriage. :)

  5. What a lovely day for a carriage ride. Love the area photos.

  6. Nice reflective shot. That must have been a fun ride!


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