
04 November 2013

Winter vs People and Vehicles

Saturday afternoon the drizzle of rain we received turned to snow, melting as it fell but then it froze overnight creating a lovely skating rink.  The main roads have been sanded and perfectly fine for driving now but Sunday was a totally different story as the snow continued to fall.  The following video isn't much of a stretch of the imagination when you consider just how treacherous winter can be for drivers and people in general.  Hope you enjoy the laughs!


  1. Cripes! I won't say I didn't enjoy the video, I did but I also felt very sorry for all the people who were hurt. Falling on ice causes so many hip injuries it is not funny. Ice under a dusting of snow is a very dangerous thing. I did a 360 in a car one and learned not to drive in certain conditions and never to park on a slope in said conditions. I pity the poor fellow driving the snow-plough.

  2. The video was cute. Won't be long before we have the snow that stays.

  3. Oh I hate to admit how many times a winter I fall down, and every one of those poor people falling made me cringe. I'm going to look for my clamp-on ice cleats RIGHT now, lol. Ice and I just don't mix. (The poor guy diving into the frozen swimming pool....OH my!)


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