02 March 2014

Stuck in the Polar Vortex

Looking out over the river valley yesterday the city certainly appears frozen. Virtually no traffic on the roads nor bridges and it's no wonder.  It was -29 but with the windchill it was -42 Celsius.

I really think the term "polar vortex" is not all that new, in fact research on the web would suggest it was known and used in meteorology for several decades.  This year, though; the media seem to have picked up on it and use the term freely to define the uncharacteristic cold snap we are experiencing this time of year. Regular highs for the end of February/beginning of March are -2 to +2 Celsius while regular lows are -8 to -13 Celsius.  (http://www.world-guides.com/north-america/canada/alberta/edmonton/edmonton_weather.html)

-7°C / 19°F
-17°C / 1°F
-2°C / 28°F
-13°C / 9°F
2°C / 36°F
-8°C / 18°F

The lowest overall temperature ever recorded in Edmonton was −49.4 °C (−56.9 °F), on January 19 and 21,1886.

Saskatchewan is forecasted to be much colder than  our province this week, with lows averaging -60 Celsius with the windchill.  I don't think I'd go outdoors for anything with temperatures that cold!

Next week, however; we expect the temperatures to normalize again, getting near 0 and slightly above.  I can't wait and I'm sure most residents here agree. I'm so grateful this will be short-lived.  January is supposed to be our coldest month!  Looks like March came in like a lion so here's hoping the counterpart, a lamb, shows up at month's end.

Hope you're keeping warm.  What is your favourite activity to do when it's too cold to be outdoors?  I've been snuggling under a blanket, sometimes with the fireplace on, and reading a book or watching Midsomer Murders on Netflix with a hot tea at hand.

I'm linking up with Louis over at Louis' California Travels for Sunday Bridges.


Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

We've had that polar vortex over us as well, though not quite a cold as you. We're still getting -20 plus overnight some nights. But on the plus side it is nice and sunny! We've been going out when necessary but I usually crochet, sew or read when at home.

Louis la Vache said...

Louis hopes you are staying warm! Brrrrrr!!!!

Louis is pleased that you braved the cold and got those shots to participate in Sunday Bridges!

Shirley said...

Hi Linda. I'm glad you are not quite so cold as us and that you have the perfect pastimes for cold wintery days. Cheers!

Shirley said...

Louis, thanks. It was bitterly cold and I stepped out just long enough to grab the shots before retreating to the warmth of the vehicle! California looks quite tempting right now!

Karen said...

Well, you know me, I just stick on the ol' skis and go for it, but I do try to stay out of the wind if I can. This has been a very long winter to be sure. Even the snowmobile traffic has dwindled, everyone (except me) is tired of snow.


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