Now's the time of year, here in our corner of the world (the prairies), that you begin to see spring clean up crews all over the city. Raking, de-thatching, aerating and fertilizing are all jobs that should be addressed early spring.
If your lawn is no longer springy or spongy underfoot (no footprints), you may rake it. Raking with a fan rake will remove debris while raking with a "thatch" rake will remove the dead and dry grass otherwise known as thatch. This may be done by hand with a rake every spring or every three years with a power rake.
A slow release fertilizer should be applied now. Select a fertilizer with a high middle number, which is phosphorus, which encourages strong root development and growth. Something like a 10-20-5 would be ideal. Use a broadcast spreader and apply evenly all over the lawn.
You may also want to consider overseeding your lawn this spring but do not do so within six weeks of using a herbicide for weeds as this will inhibit growth of your grass seeds as well. Psst: Take a little hint from me: If your neighbourhood has an active community of crows and seagulls, avoid using corn gluten as a weed seed inhibitor. These birds love to eat it!!! No kidding! My weeds flourished and so did the crows and seagulls!!!