14 September 2015

Find Serenity at the Nitobe Memoirial Garden

The Nitobe Memorial Garden is located in the forest at the edge of Vancouver, British Columbia. A spectacular portion of the UBC landscape, the Nitobe Memorial Garden was designed as a memorial to Inazo Nitobe, a Japanese diplomat and politician also known for his written work and teachings.  Nitobe's goal was to "become a bridge across the Pacific."  The garden lies on two and a half acres of land.  Its landscape was designed and constructed by landscape architects and gardeners with recommendation from the Japanese government.  Each component is in harmony, placed with deliberation and maintained with the utmost attention to detail.  Several of the plants including some maples, cherry trees, azaleas and irises were imported from Japan. Waterfalls, streams, the gazing pond, the plants and every stone are representative of nature. Several lanterns accent the property, including a Nitobe lantern that was erected by friends of Inazo Nitobe.  

As you enter the garden, to your left is Ichibō-an, the tea house  which is surrounded by a roji tea garden and an inner garden.  To your right is a path that encircles the gazing pond  which is the central focus of the garden.  There are tours that are highly recommended to take, specifically during spring cherry blossom, summer for the irises, and autumn for the splendour of the colouring of the maples.  I went in August and it was just as luxurious but I'd love to come back in spring and again in the autumn.

The garden is designed to suggest a passing of time: hours, days, seasons, years.  One could easily spend hours here at a time.  It is the perfect place for personal reflection and meditation.  It is serenity, peace, and breathless beauty all in one location.  

I hope you enjoy the photos here.  May they entice you to plan a visit to the garden soon.

We saw Edgar Muenala perform at Granville Island while we were there in August.  His music perfectly complements the beauty and serenity found in a Japanese garden.  I hope you enjoy this number.

Love and Harmony - Respect Mother Nature.  Performing Far East Theme.

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