27 October 2010

Fall Colour Project

 These photos were taken this year in Edmonton.

The river valley, North Saskatchewan River

Above and below, the Legislature Grounds

A glimpse into one of the beds in my garden.  Here you see the autumnal foliage of Summer Wine Ninebark juxtaposed against Brandon cedars.

The colourful foliage of Viburnum, Snowball Bush above.  Below is Virginia Creeper.

Below, the foliage of dwarf gold barberry in juxtaposition with the deep dark shade of purple of Summer Wine Ninebark.

Above sunflower, below leaf of Burr Oak

Above, Muttart Conservatory in the river valley, Edmonton and, below, another shot of the river valley east of Muttart Conservatory.

Above, hidden garden in her finery.
Above, collage of photos taken at the Legislature Grounds.  Below, Amur Maple leaves contrasted against the rock near our waterfall/pond.

Above, mountain ash berries.

Above, Swedish Aspen leaves beginning to turn colour and below, Ohio Buckeye.

  Above, amur maple and below mums in sale display.

This is an assortment of fall colour in the Edmonton, Alberta region for the 2010 Fall Color Project.  See more colour and join in to celebrate the season here:


Dave@TheHomeGarden said...

Thanks for joining in the Fall Color Project! I really like how you've trimmed up the snowball viburnum. I have one but have just left it to grow as a bush - I think I like the way you have it better! The golds around the bridge and those maples are fantastic! Beautiful fall color in Edmonton!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

You have some beautiful fall colors there!

Thanks for visiting my SkyWatch post last week.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What beautiful fall colors, something we don't really see way down here.

Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comment.


Rambling Woods said...

What a beautiful city...I see the burr oak and think that is the kind of oak that we have across the pond that turns that beautiful tawny color... I will have to take a look tomorrow....

Unknown said...

What would you say the average timing of when the leaves start to yellow in the fall to when they fall of the tree is? I am planning my wedding and 100% want my photos to be in the fall to coordinate with the colors and such, would you say it would be safe to book my wedding in late september?

Shirley said...

Joyce, I received your comment on my blog regarding the timing of leaf fall and planning your wedding date. I'd love to give you a guarantee but I can't. I'd suggest that late September would be good but it depends on a few variables. Where in the country do you plan to wed? Has it been a dry year or a wet one? A hot summer of a cool one? If it has been dry, you can expect an earlier leaf fall, particularly if autumn in your area tends to be windy, as it can here in Edmonton. Some years we see the leaf fall begin in October, early and sometimes late. Ash are almost always the first to lose their leaves, while maples tend to hold onto them longer than most. I would highly recommend you contact a research station in your area or a trusted tree nursery for further advice.
Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials!


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